
Sunday, 15 September 2013



Healthy and beautiful teeth will increase our confidence.
Important ways for increase beauty and health of teeth as follows.

  1. Avoid sweets. Wash teeth thoroughly after sweet food. We must clean teeth with water if we drink the liquid like red wine, otherwise the color of teeth will change.
  2. Drink juice or other drinks with straw.
  3. Use fluoride contained paste for destroy bacteria as well as for the whitening of the teeth.
  4. Avoid bad habit like nail biting which will damage our teethes.
  5. Change the tooth brush after every 3 months. Place brush in hot water so that the brush become very smooth.
  6. Brush teeth by keeping in an angle of 45 degree and move in circular motion. It is good for teeth health.
  7. Clean tongue with teeth so that it will destroy mouth smell. To avoid mouth smell use sugar free chewing gum.
  8. Don’t use teeth to open the jar or pot, It will damage the teeth.
  9. We must clean the mouth after eating apple, carrot, popcorn. It will help to avoid accumulation of food in between teethes.
  10. Avoid toothpick maximum which is good for teethes.
  11. Create a habit to brush in the night before go to sleep. If we sleep with out brushing, the food will accumulate in between teethes and it leads to destroy the enamel of the teeth.
  12. Don’t brush immediately after the food. Do brush the teeth after half hour of food.
  13. After the brush with paste, do brush without paste with some water so that the accumulated food will remove completely.
  14. Do read the instructions on the bottle of mouth wash before it use.
  15. Teeth become white color and remove bacteria by using vinegar before brush once in a week  

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