
Sunday, 15 September 2013



Acne is the most common manifestation of increased level of androgens by increased size and secretion of sebaceous follicles and apocrine glands during adolescence. Over 80% teenagers suffer from it. It may be mild that clears in due course to severe that causes disfigurement of the face. Since appearance is a matter of considerable concern to the adolescent, he needs to be offered proper guidance and, if the need be, treatment. He must wash frequently, avoid cosmetics and squeezing the lesions. In case of girls, it must be ensured that pregnancy is not there before resorting to medication with tetracyclines and/or cisretinoic acid(Isotretinoin).
Hirsutism As a result of excess of androgens, an adolescent girl may develop an excessive male type growth of hair. Though the commonest type is idiopathic, gonadal, adrenal, exogenous (drugs like androgenic steroids, minoxidil, diphenylhydantoin, cyclosporine, anabolic steroids, penicillamine, oral contraceptives, acetazolimide, diazoxide, danazol) and congenital anomalies(trisomy 18,de Lange syndrome) must be considered in differential diagnosis. Cosmetic correction is advisable. Simultaneously, attention should be directed to counter excessive androgens.

An adolescent’s skin is vulnerable to other adverse influences like STD, HIV/AIDS, neurosis/psychosis (trichotillomanid), contact sports(herpes simplex) and substance abuse. 

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