The menace of substance abuse has not spared the adolescents
in the developing countries too. Such is the magnitude of the problem that it
has been suggested that it has been suggested that each and every adolescent
should be assessed for the drug abuse and its physical and functional adverse
Among the drugs abused by adolescents figure CNS stimulants
(Dexedrine, methedrine), CNS depressants (opiates), hallucinogens (LSD,
phenylcyclidine, mushroom, datura), volatile substances (gasoline sniffing,
airplane glue, nitrites), marijuana (hashish), cocaine, alcohol, smoking, anabolic
steroids, etc.
Among the factors contributing to drug abuse figure burning
the midnight oil at time of examination, sleeplessness, enhancing concentration,
to get out of a difficult and tense situation, “just for hecks” enhancing
competence in athletics, etc.
The most important preventive measure is channelization of
the energy of the adolescents and creating awareness in them about the adverse
effects of substance abuse. At times, services of an deaddiction center may be
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