
Sunday, 15 September 2013



Health Education
Health providers role doesn’t end up with just health education. They must coordinate with other agencies to educate the adolescents on several related matters such as nutrition, sexuality and substance abuse etc. All efforts must be made to reach out to the adolescents, both school-goers and nonschool-goers. For the objective, “adolescent-friendly health services” (AFHS) are needed. Use of mass media and school curriculum may also be made. Special stress should be matters related to:
  1. Development of secondary sex characters
  2. Menarche, menstrual hygiene and associated problems in girls
  3. Nutritional needs, including iron
  4. Body image
  5. Managing emotions and stress
  6. Reproductive process, conception, childbirth
  7. Safe sex and contraception
  8. Right age for marriage
  9. HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and other STDs
  10. Substance abuse, alcohol and tobacco

Improved knowledge about health matters and negative consequences of risk-taking behavior should be considered as an important step though not a fool proof, strategy for safe behavior among adolescents.

Life Skills Education (LSE)/ Skills-based Education (SBE)
Life skills are “abilities” for adaptive and positive behavior so that the individual can deal effectively with demands and challenges of day-today life.
Skill-based education(SBE), given during face-to-face counseling, proves more effective in convincing the adolescent not to indulge in risk-taking activity such as violence, molestation and unprotected sex.

Family Life Education
This WHO strategy is based on the observation is that when adolescents are assisted to develop responsible attitudes towards relationship in the family settings, their emotional, psychological, social and sexual needs get satisfied. Its crux is “awareness through education”. Its various components include adolescent nutrition, personality development, understanding human sexuality and preparation for future parenthood.

Counseling for Managing stress and emotions
Stress is inability to cope with the demands. It causes “general adaptation syndrome”. It involves both nervous systems (predominantly “autonomic”) which reacts immediately and endocrine(hormone) system which takes time to react but the reaction persists much longer. In fact, it affects almost all systems, including immune system, to certain extent.
Three types of stress are: Physical (overcrowding in class, bus; noise and environmental pollution), psychological (intense academic demands) and psychosocial (conflicts with peers, teachers, family members).
The result of all these types is either eustress or distress. Estress promotes productivity and facilitates efforts. Distress causes loss of productivity and health problems.
Adolescents need to be caught the art of stress management.

Nutritional Care and Counseling
A multisectoral approach should ensure sufficient food supply and its equitable distribution, and improved knowledge and information about nutrition, with special reference to healthy eating and healthy lifestyle and increased needs during adolescence without any discrimination to the girl child. Nutritional promotion should operate at school, family (household) and community levels.

Early Diagnosis and Management of Medical and Behavioral Conditions
It is important to detect medical problems and behavioral problems (particularly unhealthy eating habits, substance abuse, sex related problems, and violence and aggression) early enough. Appropriate management in condusive environment and with assistance from pediatrician and, if the need be, from a psychologist/psychiatrist should in no case be delayed.


Experience in Europe has demonstrated that legislation and regulatory policies discourage risk taking behavior amongst adolescents. Restriction on smoking in public places, legislation against child labor and legal age of marriage continue to be flouted mercilessly. 

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