
Friday, 23 August 2013



Suicide is the one of the important causes of deaths among adolescents. Its causes include serious conflicts and pressures, successive failure in examination, marriage against will, chronic illness causing fear of fatality, impotence, diminished competence , poor self-image, vulnerability to loss of a loved one and easy and increased access to medication that could  facilitate suicide.

Most successful suicides are known to have occurred in individuals who have threatened ending life or who have made earlier attempts or gestures. Secondly, threats of suicide must never be taken casually, especially if the person leaves a suicide note, a sign of seriousness and premeditation. A family of history f suicide is significant.

Among the methods of suicide figure ingestion of medication such as Phenobarbital or tricyclic antidepressants in very large amount , hanging, setting fire to one’s personnel, drowning, shooting or slashing one’s neck or wrist.

Any suicidal attempt is an indication for a psychiatric evaluation and management. A short-term hospitalization is of distinct value in providing a secure environment to the subject and helps the individual in the constructive resolution of his conflict

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