The old, conventional vaccine (Semple vaccine), an
inactivated (by treatment with an agent called beta propriolactone) suspension
of sheep brain, carries high risk of neuroplogic reactions
(meningoencephalitis, ascending paralysis, polyneuritis). There is no
justification for using it in the wake of availability of two potent and safe
(Human diploid cells) vaccine is a sure, safe and painless preventive
measure against hydrophobia. It is lympholized, stabilized suspension of
rabies virus completely inactivated by B-proloctone. It is prepared on the
human deployed cells. The vaccine is given as 1 ml subcutaneous injection
immediately after exposure, on third day, 7th day, 14th
day,30th day and 90th day. Incase antirabies treatment
is begun immediately with cleansing of the bitten area with soap ad water
administration of antirabies serum (human or animal) sixth injection may
well be missed. HDC rabies vaccine, unlike the conventional antirabies
vaccine, is very safe. In 1% redness and induration at the injection site
may occur. Slight pyrexia and asthenia occur with the same frequency.
(purified chick embryo cell) is next to HDC in potency. Its administration
is the same schedule as for HDC vaccine.
With the availability of HDC and PCEC vaccines, there is
hardly any justification for using the old antirabic vaccine ( NTV).
with rabies human immunoglobulin (RHIG), 20 IU/kg, or rabies animal
immunoserum, 40Ill/kg, as a single injection is recommended in all cases with
severe exposure. It should be given as soon as possible preferably immediately
after the bite. After 7 to 8 days of bite, it is unlikely to be of any benefit.
Half of the dose is infiltrated in the tissues around the bite and the
remaining half is injected intramuscularly.
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