In a pursuit for “slimness” and “weight loss”, many
adolescents (by and large, girls), impose foolish dietetic restrictions on
themselves (anorexia nervosa of “restrictor” type) or eat in binges and then
get rid of the food intake by self-inducing vomiting or using cathartics
(bulimia). As a result, they become grossly malnourished with disturbances
relate to almost all organ systems, i.e. electrolyte disturbances, postural
hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, CCF, hypothermia, amenorrhea, constipation,
dry skin with lanugo hair, peripheral edema, rise in BUN, bone marrow
hypoplasia, etc. Interestingly, the subjects are notably resistant to
The exact etiology is unclear though it is generally
believed to be a psychiatric eating disorder. The patient have such
characteristics as developmental immaturity, isolation and excessive
dependence. The family background is overprotective.
Management revolves around psychotherapy(including
pharmacotherapy with antidepressant agents), behavior modification and
nutritional rehabilitation.
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