The currently available cholera vaccine, required to be
given by the subcutaneous injection, has a protective value of around 50% for period
of 3 to 6 months. The dose is 0.3 ml and 0.2 ml for children above and below 2
years, respectively. Two doses are given at an interval of 4 to 6 weeks.
Reactions include local pain, erythema and edema, occasionally abscess
formation may occur. Fever is unusual. During the course of an epidemic, the
vaccine is of no practical value, In fact, it may contribute to the occurrence
of outbreaks of hepatitis B and poliomyelitis. Research for developing an
improved and more potent oral cholera vaccine is in progress. The existing
vaccine is a saline suspension of about 12 thousand million cholera vibrios/ml,
killed and preserved in 0.5% phenol.
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