
Friday, 23 August 2013



Adolescence is a period of mood swings varying from depths of depression to heights of elation. This should be considered “normal”.

In addition, “ acute depressive reactions” are a sort of healthy grief response following death or separation from a loved one. These resolve in due course of time, occasionally after weeks or months.

“Neurotic depressive disorders” are unresolved grief reaction and are characterized by a feeling of guilt in relationship to the dead. A psychiatric treatment is in order.

“Masked depression” is characterized by denial and somatization of feelings of despair , hopelessness and helplessness by the adolescent. Manifestation include “acting-out” behavior in the form of substance abuse, school truancy, running away from home, multiple accidents, unexplained headache, abdominal pain, etc. A psychiatric treatment is mandatory.

“Psychotic depressive disorders”  may have such additional manifestation as delusions of guilt, impaired reality testing and thought distortion. Psychiatric treatment is strongly indicated.

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